Monday, March 29, 2010

More praise for Freecycle

Back in January, I posted about the virtues of Freecycle as a way to get rid of unwanted stuff. Well, now I can also laud it as a way to get new, useful stuff. Yesterday we scored our first ever major acquisition from Freecycle: nearly 1000 cement pavers. The poster was so eager to get rid of them that he even offered to transport them for us in his pickup, which took a lot less time than repeatedly loading and unloading the trunk of our little sedan. So after a couple of hours of lifting and stacking, we now have sore arms, sore knees, and enough pavers to build a 10-by-20-foot patio. Hooray! Now we just need to keep scanning the Freecycle postings until someone offers a few cubic yards of gravel and sand...


  1. Dear Lobelia,

    Saw your article on yard sales and followed through to your blog. Refreshing to find a kindred spirit. My own blog is
    in case you want to visit.


  2. Thanks! Glad you liked the article. It's great to see that there are others out there blogging about the "more with less" as opposed to "more, more, more" lifestyle.
