Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Money Crashers: Amazon vs. eBay

Until a few years ago, I used to shop fairly often on (I split up with the company in 2014 over its inhumane treatment of employees, both in its warehouses and in the office—though I will confess to backsliding a couple of times when I simply couldn't find an item anywhere else.) Since then, I've taken to shopping more on eBay for those hard-to-find items.

However, though I know what it's like to buy on both sites, I've never used either one to sell anything. So when Money Crashers asked me to update an old article about which of the two sites is better for sellers, I had to rely on the companies' own websites to give me the lowdown. The article covers all the official details, what types of items each site will and won't accept; the processes for signing up, listing your items, and getting paid; and the seller fees charged by each site. However, I wasn't able to share any personal experiences with either site, since I don't have any (and I didn't really have the time or the inclination to start selling stuff online just for research purposes).

So, readers, I'm putting it to you: Do any of you have experience selling with Amazon, eBay, or both? Can you offer up any details about what it's like to sell on either site that provide a more complete picture than what I've discussed in the article? Let me know in the comments, either here or on Money Crashers.

Amazon vs. eBay – Which Is Better for Selling Your Stuff Online?

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