Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Money Crashers: 10 Most Satisfying & Fulfilling Jobs and Career Opportunities

Earlier this year, my editors at Money Crashers asked me to update an article on the best careers for the next decade. They left the criteria for "best" careers up to me, so I chose jobs that combined high wages, strong prospects for growth, and reasonably high ratings for job satisfaction, based on a Payscale survey data. 

Initially, they accepted this, but then one of them got back to me requesting that I add a couple of computer-related fields, including Web design and software development. When I pointed out that these fields didn't meet my criteria for job satisfaction, they decided that what we really needed was two different articles: one on jobs that are satisfying (but still pay enough to live on), and one on jobs that are lucrative. So I went back to the drawing board and rewrote the article as two articles, each with its own focus.

This piece is the first of those two: the one that focuses on job satisfaction. As a result, many of the careers on this list are not particularly lucrative; in fact, some of them just barely pay a living wage. But they're all in reasonably fast-growing fields and they all get high marks for career fulfillment from workers at Payscale and other sites. And although there are only ten jobs on the list, they cover a variety of fields and require varying amounts of education, from a high-school diploma to a graduate degree. The piece also goes into what exactly it is that makes a job satisfying in the first place — info you can use to evaluate your current job and any other you might be considering.

10 Most Satisfying & Fulfilling Jobs and Career Opportunities


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