Friday, October 2, 2020

Money Crashers: Loyalty programs and Inflation vs. your retirement savings

Two more of my articles have just gone live on Money Crashers. The first is one I started ages ago that languished for a while in the editorial loop before they decided to bring it up to date and publish it. It's all about store loyalty programs: which stores have them, what their benefits are, and what, if anything, they cost. I review all the top-rated loyalty programs from department stores, drugstores, eateries, supermarkets, and specialty stores to determine which ones deserve a spot on your crowded keyring (or phone).

12+ Retailers With the Best Customer Loyalty Programs

The second is a companion to my earlier piece on the effects of inflation. This one focuses specifically on how inflation affects your retirement portfolio and what you can do to minimize its effects. I explain how to adjust your retirement plans for inflation and how to increase both your contributions and your rate of return to make sure you keep up. The piece covers the investments that pay off best in the long-term (mostly stocks, especially those that pay dividends), those that make the best hedges against inflation (such as real estate and inflation-adjusted bonds), and those that aren't necessarily good choices (commodities, precious metals, and art).

How to Combat Inflation’s Negative Effects on Your Retirement Savings


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