Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Money Crashers: two baking articles

In the past year or so, Money Crashers has swung from preferring long articles that explore a topic from all angles to favoring short ones that cover just one possible angle. Maybe they've observed that readers accustomed to paragraph-long Facebook posts balk at reading anything that fills several screens of text, but whatever the reason, the directive is clear: keep it short and snappy.

In keeping with this new rule, they have once again split one of my articles into two. Thus, instead of a single article on why it's worth baking your own bread at home and how to fit it into a busy schedule, you're getting two teeny little articles: one on the why and one on the how.

First, the why.  It explores the top benefits of home-baked bread, both tangible (cost, flavor, nutrition, and the ability to customize recipes) and intangible (the satisfaction of making it with your own hands. That one is here: 5 Benefits of Baking Your Own Bread at Home 

Then, if you have more patience than my editors expect from the average reader, you can move straight on to the how. In this piece, I compare five ways to fit bread baking into a busy schedule: batch baking, machine mixing, machine baking, slow-cooker baking, and no-knead bread. Check that one out here: 5 Ways to Make Bread at Home Quickly on a Busy Schedule

Then, once you've got both the why and the how, all you need is some flour and yeast, and you're ready to go. Tasty, healthy home-baked bread is just around the corner.

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