Saturday, September 21, 2019

Three new articles on MoneyCrashers

After a long dry spell, Money Crashers has just put up several of my articles at once. Here's a quick rundown of what you can learn about:

A Consumer Protection Law That May Hurt More Than It Helps

With interest rates for consumer loans climbing even as interest on savings plummets, some legislators think the solution is to bring back usury laws - this time on a nationwide scale. But the proposed Loan Shark Prevention Act could backfire. By ending high-interest loans, it could cut off all sources of credit for low-income borrowers - or drive them into the arms of genuine loan sharks who operate outside the law. Learn what this act does, how it could affect the lending sphere, and what other alternatives could do more to help low-income borrowers.

Loan Shark Prevention Act – What It Is and How It Would Affect You

A New Way for Scammers to Target You

Ever had some nice people from "the power company" knock on your door, eager to help you save money on your utility bill? Yeah, sorry to disappoint you, but that's a scam. And it's just one of several utility scams making the rounds now. Utility scammers woo you with the promise of lower bills on your water, gas, or electric service - or threaten you with having it cut off. Learn how to recognize these bogus promises and threats for what they are.

6 Home Utility Company Scams to Beware Of (Water, Electric & Gas)

The Best TV Shows About Money (Including YouTube)

Have you ever read a book or an article on personal finance and felt like you just weren't taking it in? Maybe the problem was the format. When your information comes with a healthy dose of entertainment, you're more likely to pay attention and remember it afterward. That's what makes videos (on TV or YouTube) a good way to learn about money. Whether you're interested in choosing investments, starting a business, or just managing your personal finances, there's a show that can help you and keep you entertained at the same time.

7 Best TV Shows to Watch to Learn About Money, Finance & Business

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