Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Money Crashers: Best Christmas Gifts for Girlfriends and Boyfriends

Two more of the holiday-themed articles I've written for Money Crashers just came out today, and they're what you might call a matched set. The first, 20 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend (on Every Budget), offers up gift ideas for the special lady in your life at different price points: under $20, $20 to $50, and $51 to $100. And the second, 20 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend (on Every Budget), does the same for your gentleman friend.

I made a point of stressing in both articles that the ideas listed here are just that — ideas to get you started. I can't tell you the perfect gift for your girlfriend or boyfriend, because I don't know that person like you do. What I can do instead is tell you about gifts other women or men have said they liked, and you can map that onto what you know about your significant other's interests and tastes to come up with an ideal present that fits your budget.

Note that the use of "Christmas" rather than "holidays" in the title was my editor's idea, not mine. I tried to keep the articles neutral, using the word "holidays" throughout, so they'd be appropriate gift guides regardless of what holiday you're celebrating, but I guess my desire for neutrality was trumped by SEO concerns. However, I did succeed in keeping both articles gender-neutral as far as the reader is concerned, so no matter whether you're a man or a woman, you can shop for either a girlfriend or a boyfriend with the help of these pieces.

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