Thursday, April 23, 2020

Earth Week Challenge 2020: Trashy Thursday

I'm now halfway through the series of Earth Week challenges. Today's "Trashy Thursday" challenge is to "Say no to single use plastic straws, bags, cups or styrofoam. Try to create as little trash as you can today." Strategies for doing this include "All the R's for a Zero Waste Life":
  1. Refuse: Don't buy stuff you don't need, or buy stuff with packaging you don't need.
  2. Reduce: Buy less stuff, or buy stuff with less packaging.
  3. Reuse: Choose reusable containers rather than disposable ones.
  4. Repair: Fix things when they break rather than replacing them.
  5. Re-purpose: Put waste products to new uses.
  6. Recycle: If you can't eliminate or reuse it, put trash into the recycling bins.
  7. Rot: Compost organic waste, like food scraps and yard waste.
In other words, do all the things that I try to do all the time anyway, and am doing even more now, as COVID stops me from going anywhere or buying anything beyond the strict necessities of life. Even if I weren't already reusing straws and avoiding takeout cups, I wouldn't have much chance to pick any up when all the eateries are shut down. (Okay, Dunkin is still open, but it's not much fun to go there when you have to take your drink home to consume it because you have to wear a mask in public.) And while some stores, most notably Trader Joe's, have entirely banned the use of reusable bags during the pandemic, these days we're not going out to stores at all until we absolutely have to.

So, yeah, not much to report as far as today's challenge goes. If I were to "share a fun photo" on Instagram of myself completing the day's challenge, as the editors suggest, it would just be a not-much-fun photo of me sitting at my desk typing, just as I do every day. (Well, I guess I could get Brian to take a picture of me darning his socks, since I have a small pile of those to fix after yesterday's load of laundry. That's not much fun, but it's better than nothing.)

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