Saturday, August 10, 2019

Money Crashers: 16 Small Purchases That Can Save You Big Money

Several years ago, at an estate sale, I bought up somebody's old sewing kit for the princely sum of a quarter. At the time, I already had a small sewing kit of my own, with a small selection of needles and maybe a dozen spools of different-colored thread, but this was a much more extensive kit. Dozens of spools of thread, each by itself worth at least a couple of bucks; a large pincushion; a good pair of fabric scissors; a collection of miscellaneous buttons; needles, safety pins, and straight pins.

With my modest sewing needs, it was enough to keep me going for years—and it has. I've used it to repair dozens of garments, Brian's as well as my own. Paired with my extremely limited sewing skills, it has extended the life of T-shirts, sweaters, and blue jeans. It has made too-big pants and shorts wearable and even helped me repair our old Roman shades. It was unquestionably the best quarter I ever spent.

This is just an extreme illustration of how sometimes, a small purchase can pay for itself many times over. In my latest Money Crashers article, I offer 15 more examples of how relatively inexpensive items  can save you big money on food costs, home energy use, clothing, electronics, or repeat purchases like bottled water. Most of these "small" purchases discussed  cost quite a bit more than 25 cents, but they're all under $100 and can save you hundreds or even thousands over their lifespan.

16 Small Purchases You Can Make Now to Save Money in the Long Run

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