Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Money Crashers: More holiday articles

It looks like we can add the winter holidays to the list of events this year that are going to be, if not ruined, at least dramatically altered by the pandemic. So far, our Passover Seder, our May Day morning gathering, and our entire weekend of Thanksgiving festivities have all become Zoom meetings, and now Hanukkah and Christmas are going to be the same.

Since most people around the country are now in this same boat, I was a little wary when my editor at Money Crashers suggested an update of my five-year-old article on holiday entertaining. I pointed out that it probably wouldn't get much traffic this year, since not that many people are going to be inclined to throw holiday parties (and those who are probably shouldn't be encouraged). I proposed delaying that update for next year and, instead, doing a new article on ways to celebrate the holidays with family and friends during a pandemic.

This is that article. It offers a total of 25 suggestions on COVID-safe celebrations, grouped into three main categories: activities you can enjoy with just the immediate family, things to do outdoors, and ways to connect virtually. Across these three categories, I manage to suggest alternatives for nearly every part of a typical Christmas season, from visiting Santa at the mall to going caroling to opening stockings on Christmas morning. (We're planning to do virtual stockings with the family ourselves, and I'm cherishing a secret hope that the family will like it enough to suggest we go with smaller presents in future years as well.)

25 Fun & Frugal Family Activities to Safely Celebrate Christmas With Kids 

To go with this new article, I've also got freshly updated versions of three of my existing articles on holiday gift shopping:

23 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Boyfriend (on Every Budget)

21 Best Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Girlfriend (on Every Budget)

31 Best Gift Ideas for Foodies (on Every Budget)

Hope these tips help you to enjoy the holidays with your family and friends as completely as social distancing allows.

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