Thursday, December 17, 2020

Money Crashers: Two health insurance articles

Money Crashers has popped up two of my articles in the past few days. Both deal with the topic of health insurance, but from very different angles.

The first article is a broad overview of the Medicaid program: how it works, who is helped by it, what its critics (on the left and right) have to say about it, how justified those criticisms are, and what could be done to make the program more sustainable in the future.

What Is Medicaid – How It Works, Criticisms & Future

The second piece is about private health insurance — which, for most of us, means workplace health plans. It walks you through the complex process of choosing the right plan for yourself and your family, from the general (how health insurance and health insurance marketplaces work) to the nitty-gritty details of comparing types of plans, costs, and coverage.

How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plan for Your Family

Hope this information is helpful for you during this season of peace, joy, and open enrollment.

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