Friday, April 9, 2021

Money Crashers: 8 Ways to Save Money on Magazine Subscriptions

For the past several years, I haven't subscribed to any magazines. I canceled my subscription to Mother Earth News five years ago, when I came to the conclusion that most of the material in it just wasn't useful for a town dweller like me, and I've never really found a suitable substitute. Which is a shame, because curling up with a magazine is relaxing in a way that sitting at your desk, staring at your computer screen (or hunching over your tiny smartphone screen, peering at the tiny type) just can't compare with.

However, in the event that I do find a magazine I like, I'll have another dilemma to deal with: is it really worth the cost? Because while the cost per issue for a magazine subscriptions is certainly much less than the truly ludicrous prices you pay buying off the newsstand, it's still not exactly cheap.

That's where my latest Money Crashers article can help. It explores all kinds of ways to save money on magazine subscriptions, from shopping on discount sites to sharing your subscription with a friend. With so many strategies to choose from, I can feel fairly confident I'll have no trouble affording the magazine of my dreams, when and if I finally discover it.

8 Ways to Save Money on Magazine Subscriptions

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