Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Money Crashers: Deals & Discounts for First Responders

Just a quick post to let you know about my latest Money Crashers article: Deals & Discounts for First Responders. All too often, these essential workers get too little support in America — like the 9/11 rescue workers whose compensation for health care costs was held up repeatedly in Congress, health care workers unable to get PPE during COVID. That's why some U.S. companies are taking matters into their own hands, offering these workers discounts and other deals on a wide variety of products and services. EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, police officers, and rescue workers can all qualify for special discounts on everything from coffee to cell phone service. And many companies offer deals for other everyday heroes too, including members of the military, health care workers, and teachers.

For people who are saving lives (and changing lives) every day, a free cup of coffee isn't that much to offer. But it's better than nothing.

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