Thursday, June 18, 2020

Money Crashers: How to Choose the Right Bicycle

Here's another new Money Crashers piece on the topic of shopping for a new bicycle. When I say "new," I really mean "new to you," since secondhand bikes are a perfectly acceptable option (especially if every time you shell out money for a nice new bike, someone steals it, which is what keeps happening to Brian). But whether you're buying new or used, you need to get the right type of bicycle. Bikes come in many different flavors — racing bikes, mountain bikes, cruisers — and each one has its own strong and weak points. So, to choose the bike that’s best for you, your first question should be, "What am I using it for?"

I start out with a loose classification of the major types of bikes, discussing what each variety is good for and what it costs. Then I go into specific features that you might want based on your riding preferences, such as suspension, brake type, and an electric motor. And lastly, I outline the process for choosing a new bike that's right for you: determining your needs and budget, testing different models, and getting the best price.

How to Choose the Right Bicycle – Different Types of Bikes

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